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Financial help

The employment of home help personnel gives access to different types of financial assistance, the characteristics of which you will find below.

Our quality is also to allow our beneficiaries to benefit from financial aid thanks to the agreements signed with the various administrations or organizations. If necessary, we assist you in the constitution of the file.

The Departmental Council

APA (Personalized Autonomy Allowance)

What is APA?

It is an allowance intended to participate in the financing of expenses resulting from the loss of autonomy of the elderly set up by the Departmental Council.

Where can APA be awarded?

APA can be awarded:

At home, to help finance home help.

In establishments, to help pay the dependency rate.

Conditions for obtaining

To be 60 years old and over, to reside regularly in France, to encounter problems related to the loss of autonomy to perform the essential acts of life (only people falling under "Iso Resource Groups 1 to 4" assessed by a doctor or a nurse

The PCH (Disability Compensation Service)

What is PCH?

It is a personalized financial assistance intended to finance the needs related to the loss of autonomy of people with disabilities. This service covers human aid, material aid (fitting out of housing and vehicle), animal aid.

CARSAT (Pension and Occupational Health Insurance Fund)

ARDH (Return from Hospitalization Assistance)

What is ARDH?

It is a financial aid granted to all active or retired persons affiliated and facing a temporary loss of autonomy in return from hospitalization.

Where and when to apply.

From the social service of the establishment in which you are hospitalized and before your discharge.

The PAP (Personalized Assistance Plan)

What is PAP?

It is a financial aid granted to retired people in order to facilitate their everyday life.

Tax deduction

Whatever your situation, you can benefit from a tax deduction corresponding to 50% of the cost of the service, up to the ceiling set annually by the tax services (€ 12,000 / year). The ceiling is increased for disabled people (MDPH). We establish the annual certificates so that you can declare your tax deduction.

Certain services give rise to the right to the tax advantage within specific limits:

  • small do-it-yourself services known as “all-hands”: € 500 / year,

  • computer and Internet assistance at home: € 3,000 / year;

  • small gardening work: € 5,000 / year.

Examples of tax cuts

A family whose couple works and pays € 1,000 in taxes calls on AAS Amicale Assistance service for a cleaning / ironing service, at home for 3 hours per week, at a cost of € 2,755 per year. 
This family will have a tax deduction of 50% or 1378 €, it will therefore no longer pay taxes and will even be reimbursed by Public Finances the sum of 378 € (2755/2 - 1000).

A family that pays € 4,000 in taxes, and calls on Service à Dom 'for its household (at a cost of € 5,000 per year), and for the maintenance of its garden (at a cost of € 2,500 per year). This family will then be able to deduct from its taxes the sum of € 3,750 and will only pay € 250 in taxes ((5,000 + 2,500) / 2-4,000).

What the law says:

For expenses incurred during the year, the tax reduction is equal to 50% of the amount of expenses actually incurred, withheld within the limit of an annual ceiling of € 12,000.
This ceiling is increased by € 1,500:

per dependent child

for each member of the tax household aged 65 and over.

However, the ceiling increased by these increases may not exceed € 15,000.
The ceiling is raised to € 20,000:

if at least one of the members of the tax household holds an 80% invalidity card or a 3rd category invalidity pension

or if one of the dependent children is entitled to the additional special education allowance.  

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