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Personal data protection


The purpose of this Personal Data Protection Policy is to inform you of the processing of your Personal Data when you browse the site. edited by AAS Amicale Assistances Services.

We want you to understand the nature of the personal information we collect, how we use it, with whom we share it, how we strive to protect it, how you can access and / or correct it and, finally, how contact us if you have any questions.

The purpose of this document is also to provide you with all the information required by article 32 of the Data Protection Act and by article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data (“GDPR”).

Finally, we draw your attention to the fact that we may need to make changes to this document, in particular to comply with any new regulations or to adapt it to our practices.

1. Data controllers

The information collected via the various personal data collection forms on the Site is processed by AAS Amicale Assistances Services as data controller.

AAS Amicale Assistances Services, recipient of your Personal Data, also becomes responsible for processing.

In any event, AAS Amicale Assistances Services cannot be held responsible for the data processing carried out by Vivaservices agencies.

2. Collection of your Personal Data via the Site's collection forms

The notion of Personal Data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, that is to say a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly.

Depending on the subject of your request on the Site, your Personal Data collected via the forms relate to all or part of the following data:

  • When the User requests a quote: Last name, first name, title, postal address, email address and telephone number.

  • When the User applies for a job offer: Name, first name, title, postal address, email address, telephone number and professional data (the CV). Vivaservices may also enrich your profile with information about you, namely information collected during its exchanges with you, whether written, telephone or physical. 

  • When the User wishes to contact AAS Amicale Assistances Services: Name, first name, e-mail address and telephone number.

By browsing the Site,  AAS Amicale Assistances Services is also likely to collect connection data (IP address, logs, terminal identifiers, connection identifiers, time-stamping information, etc.) and internet data (Cookies, tracers, navigation data, audience measurements …).

Non-optional fields must be completed, otherwise your request cannot be processed by AAS Amicale Assistances Services.

The services offered by AAS Amicale Assistances Services on the Site are not intended for Users under the age of 18.

3. Purpose (s) of the processing of Personal Data and legal bases

Your Personal Data may be used by  AAS Amicale Assistances Services for:

  • Respond to the requests of the User wishing to benefit from the services of AAS Amicale Assistances Services (request for an estimate): The legal basis for this processing is the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the Users.

  • Respond to an application for a job offer: the processing of your Personal Data is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interests of AAS Amicale Assistances Services, namely the management of its recruitment processes, as well as the execution of pre-contractual measures that may exist between AAS Amicale Assistances Services and candidates responding to its job offers.

  • Transmit commercial and promotional offers by e-mail, SMS / MMS, postal mail or telemarketing: The legal basis for this processing is consent or legitimate interest.

  • To compile statistics: The legal basis for this processing is legitimate interest. 

  • Deal with all your questions / complaints: The legal basis for this treatment is legitimate interest.

  • Manage requests to exercise the rights of individuals (right of access, rectification, erasure, opposition and portability): The processing of your Personal Data is made compulsory by law.

  • In the event of a dispute, justify compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations: The processing of your Personal Data is made mandatory by law.

These purposes have been brought to the attention of the Data Protection Officer of AAS Amicale Assistances Services who has incorporated them into his register.

4. Sending communications by  AAS Amicale Assistances Services

4.1 Categories of communications sent to the User

Users are likely to receive the following communications: 

  • Service emails: following a request made on the Site. These service messages are necessary for the proper execution of the requests you have requested. The reception of this information is not linked to the choices you express for the reception of commercial offers.

  • Promotional offers from AAS Amicale Assistances Services  : following a request for a quote, if you have expressly authorized it, you may receive information and commercial offers from and / or the AAS Amicale Assistances Services by email or sms (electronic communications). These communications allow you to stay informed of the latest news from  AAS Amicale Assistances Services and advantages that you can benefit from in the branches of the network. You can withdraw your consent to the sending of these communications at any time.

  • Postal mail: if you have not objected, you may receive offers and information by post, from AAS Amicale Assistances Services and / or the network agencies. You can withdraw your consent to the sending of these communications at any time.

4.2 How to exercise your choices?

You can, at any time, give or withdraw your consent when the processing is carried out on this basis or formulate an opposition concerning the uses of your Personal Data described above:

  • When transmitting your Data on the collection forms via a checkbox

  • By clicking on the "Contact us" section on the Site

  • By directly contacting AAS Amicale Assistances Services   by email, phone or post

  • The recipients or categories of recipients of Personal Data

The User's personal data are intended for AAS Amicale Assistances Services

Your data is also transmitted to the subcontracting companies to which AAS Amicale Assistances Services uses for the performance of its services within the framework of the purposes mentioned above. Vivaservices ensures compliance with data protection requirements for all of its subcontracting companies.

AAS Amicale Assistances Services may also disclose your Personal Data when such disclosure is necessary to:

  • Comply with the law (or a subpoena or court order)

  • Comply with legitimate requests from public and government authorities

  • Prevent a crime or carry out an investigation, for example in the event of fraud or identity theft

  • Protect the rights, property or safety of AAS Amicale Assistances Services of its users or of third parties

5. Transfer of your Data to a country outside the European Union

Data transfer is understood to mean any communication, copy or movement of Personal Data intended to be processed in a third country or any data to which a third party located outside France may have access.

In the event that your data is transferred to Vivaservices partners located outside the European Union, AAS Amicale Assistances Services  guarantees:

  • Have obtained all the necessary authorizations from the competent authority to carry out the said transfer; and

  • Have framed this transfer by the standard contractual clauses of the European Commission or by internal company rules (Binding Corporate Rules) or ad hoc contractual clauses which the CNIL has previously recognized as guaranteeing a sufficient level of life protection privacy and fundamental human rights.

In the event that your data is transferred to the United States, AAS Amicale Assistances Services undertakes to verify whether the entity receiving said data has adhered to the "Privacy Shield", a self-certification mechanism for companies established in the United States. . This mechanism has been recognized by the European Commission as offering an adequate level of protection to Personal Data transferred by a European entity to companies established in the United States.

6. The rights of individuals

You have a right of access, rectification, erasure and portability of Data concerning you.

You can also request the limitation of the processing of Data concerning you or object to this processing.

You have the right to communicate to AAS Amicale Assistances Services your instructions relating to the fate of Personal Data concerning you in the event of death.

Your rights can be exercised with the Data Protection Officer of Vivaservices at, via the Contact Us form, by post to AAS Amicale Assistances Services 59 rue du marechal foch 78250 meulan en yvelines, France 

AAS Amicale Assistances Services reserves the right to demand the payment of "reasonable fees" linked to the administrative costs incurred in providing the information if your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive. We will do our best to respond to your requests within the timeframe required by the GDPR.

In order to protect your privacy and ensure your security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before giving you access to your personal information or correcting, modifying or erasing it. Any request may therefore be accompanied by a copy of your identity card.

If your rights are not respected, you can lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

7. Data security and confidentiality

Security of your data:

We implement organizational and technical security measures intended to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of your Personal Data. As such, the administrative, organizational, technical and physical precautions are intended to protect your Personal Data from loss, theft, unauthorized access, unauthorized transmission, any modification or destruction. In all cases, AAS Amicale Assistances Services will take security measures adapted to the nature of the data collected.

The data collected is stored confidentially and protected at a very high level of security. The servers where this data is stored comply with the security standards currently in force. They are protected against digital attacks and physical attacks.

All the pages of the Site on which you are required to communicate personal data are secure and are in https.

However, despite all its efforts, AAS Amicale Assistances Services cannot guarantee the infallibility of this protection due to inevitable risks that may arise during the transmission of Personal Data.

Security of Data transmitted to our external service providers:

We always select our external service providers with the utmost vigilance and attach great importance to the way in which your Data is secure.

Thus, these service providers only act on instructions from AAS Amicale Assistances Services and at no time use your Data for anything other than the performance of the services we entrust to them.

A contract is systematically concluded between AAS Amicale Assistances Services  and the selected service providers in which we request that the appropriate technical, physical, logical and organizational measures be implemented to ensure the confidentiality and security of the Personal Data processed and thus prevent them from being distorted, damaged, or that unauthorized third parties have access to it.

8. Retention period of Personal data

AAS Amicale Assistances Services only keeps your Personal Data for the time necessary for the operations for which they were collected and in compliance with the regulations in force and the retention period policy below:

Data subjects Category of personal data collected Data retention period

PROSPECTS Identification data for commercial prospecting purposes 3 years from the most recent date between: the date of creation of the prospect file / date of the incoming email / date of the outgoing call

CUSTOMERS - Data collected and processed to meet customer needs and requests
- Identification data for commercial prospecting purposes - 4 years from the date of payment of the last invoice by the customer
- 3 years from the date of payment of the last invoice by the customer

EMPLOYEES Data collected and processed for recruitment purposes 2 years from the last contact with the candidate

FRANCHISED Data collected and processed for recruitment purposes 2 years from the last contact with the candidate

INTERNET USERS Cookies 13 months from their 1st deposit in the Internet user's terminal equipment (following the expression of consent)

Certain Data may be kept for an additional period for the management of complaints and / or litigation as well as to meet our legal or regulatory obligations or to respond to requests from authorized authorities.

The Data is deleted without delay when Vivaservices becomes aware of the person's death.

9. Cookies

Within the framework of our Internet pages, we use cookies. These are small text files placed on your hard drive by the website visited, allowing it to record and store certain information on your computer but also on you.

They are essential for the functioning of the internet because they allow good communication between two computers. The information collected is also used to operate applications that you use on the website.

For further information, please consult our  Cookies Policy .

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